Where You Come to
Discover What’s Buried Beneath Your Script’s Story™
The Script Archeologist™ Script
Consulting Services will provide you with a comprehensive
overview of your script, helping you
to zero in on the areas that need work. You'll benefit from several
specific solutions, providing you with effective
suggestions & guidelines for re-structuring.
We'll help you craft your
own solution, and avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Helping
you develop more compelling characters is very important. It is always
part of what we do to thoroughly research the client’s subject
The Script Archeologist™
Get a FREE
1st Page Analysis of your script today!
The first page of your script is the one of
the most important pages you'll ever write. From that first page
-- even that first line -- the reader knows if they're reading
a professional script or an amateur one. From that first page,
many of the chronic problems of the script will be evident and
can be analyzed.
Master that first page, and you are on your
way to creating a masterful script.
That's why we, at Script Archeologist are offering
you a FREE 1st Page Analysis of
your script. But only for a limited time...
In addition to this exceptional RISK-FREE
Offer, we extend to you our
As an added value service
& benefit to our clients we perform
and intensive study of background material so as to give qualified as
well as quantitative analysis. This feature of our service is never
charged to our client as it is simply a practice that is not only necessary
but beneficial to all involved. Gaining an extensive familiarity with
the gaming industry, script development for games, and background research
on your products & business history is an ongoing process that we
are involved in.
The Script Archeologist provides comprehensive
page by page analysis, focusing on:
Key Components (Coverage and Analysis):
Basic breakdown:
• Title, Page Count,
Genre, Locations, Time Period, Budget. These areas determine how much
the material will cost to produce and its marketability.
• Logline: The pitch. This sentence or two should sum up
the basic story components of Who it is about, What their goal is and
What the conflict is, enough to capture the attention of a reader and
make him/her want to know more.
• We
provide you with services that offer
analysis of varying levels, evaluating your work, while offering specific
and effective solutions to assisting you in the delivery of concept
and story resources for building of your unique and successful scripts.
We offer you that and more!
• This is the summation of the plot's
key areas written in prose versus script style and in present tense.
We help you get the best shot at a great first impression.
• One to three paragraphs summing up the plot's key areas supplying
you with analysis to determine whether or not the story is something
fresh and original with marketable themes.
• Are the plot and storyline something
fresh and a new take on an established idea?
• Is the main concept (ideally High
Concept) compelling enough to attract
a star?
• What are the characters
striving for and are they failing or achieving their goals?
• Is the story a series of Value
Changes with a rising line of action and importance?
• Is there an arc that can be dramatized
and with enough dramatic tension?
• Is there a dramatic
value change over each scene, page, act and over the entire story?
• The 1st Rule of Storytelling
is Show Don't Tell
(especially with games) - and this is just as true for film & novels
as for games!
• Does it help to advance
the plot and describe character?
• Is the dialogue crisp with each character having a distinct
• Does the dialogue emotionally
move the reader?
• Is it unrealistic or too matter of fact?
• Does each character, have memorable lines, mannerisms, quirks
or eccentricities that characters will be remembered for and actors
will seek to play?
• Is the main character
in pursuit of specific and compelling internal/external goals?
• Is the protagonist's goal something that a majority of people
can relate to?
• Are they indistinguishable from one another in their motivations,
actions, goals?
• Does the main character have a character
• What are the Stakes?
Are they high enough?
• Is there enough conflict?
• Is your villain focused enough to truly challenge the protagonist?
• Do your villain & hero balance each other physically or
mentally enough?
• Does the first
5-15 pages hook the reader into
the story?
• Does the first 10-20
pages introduce the main character,
the antagonist and conflict of the story?
• Is there dramatic tension?
• Are the structure elements out of place or occur without enough
• Does each setup
have a payoff?
• Narrative - Too much? Non-visual? Too sparse? Too flowery?
• If it is not a screenplay, how well can it be adapted into the
structure for feature film?
• Does the story Value Changes
build from beginning to end at an exciting pace?
• Are the dramatic elements
used skillfully and do they enhance the story?
• Do not use any other
font/typeset (No exceptions): Courier/Courier New font, 12 point.
• Covers - White card stock covers
• Bindings - Two brass brads in the top and bottom holes of three-hole
punched paper.
• Does it help to advance the plot and describe character?
• Bolding/Underlining - Spec scripts do not require any
• Has the writer spell checked the material?
• Capitalization - Typically, capitalization of words is only
necessary in slug lines and for character names when introducing them.
• Is the material in the proper script format?
A studio coverage report consists of:
(a short summation your story)
which details the events of your story from beginning to end
where the reader describes the positives (what worked), where it needs
to be stepped up (what didn't work). The final grade of: Recommend,
Consider or Pass
is given.
The Script Archeologist coverage
report consists of:
This analysis is broken down into several areas:
Story Evolution - A short synopsis
of your story with comments on the story structure
First Impressions - Where we survey
what works, what doesn't and why using the Problem-Reason-Solution
method originally developed by Derek Rydall
Development Brainstorming - Where
we excavate the valuable pieces of the story and show how your screenplay
can be improved (structure, dialogue, pacing etc.)
Analyst Advice - What you should
do next.
- One of three evaluations based on whether it meets the criteria
of valued treasure or one that needs to be buried: "Fool's
Gold" (Stop. Your script is in need of serious rework
and would be better off left buried.)"Hidden
Story Find" (Your script needs a rewrite but is on the
right path to discovery.)"Buried
Treasure" (Your script meets the criteria of a treasure
that may need work but has a promise.)
Material read by one major studio or producer tends
to get passed on to others with any negative feedback spreading like
a ripple on a pond. Your work can soon be dead & buried all over
town. Don't give them a chance to say "no", present them with
your best possible work, the first time.
As with all our client's work, your coverage report
is private, with no-one else ever seeing it. It is mailed directly to
you. Our turnaround time for coverage is
7-10 business days.
If you are a PayPal member
and are purchasing through your PayPal account, you will automatically
be forwarded to our CONFIRMATION
page upon completion of your payment process. Be sure to have your
Purchase Receipt Number ready. It will be used as confirmation of
your service registration.
If you are purchasing with your Credit
Card, in Order to Complete Your Sign
Up, and Insure You Receive Your Service, You
Must Click on the 'Return to Merchant Button'
(bottom left) in PayPal once you have completed payment. You will
be directed to your CONFIRMATION
page where you must fill out the Registration
form to verify your purchase. Be sure to have your Purchase Receipt
Number ready. It will be used as confirmation of your service registration.
BASIC Analysis Service Packages:
Story Concept
Analysis Price: $50.00 |
1/2 hour phone consultation
and brainstorming session. Basic idea around the theme or premise.
A High Concept script is one with a commercial hook, with mass appeal
or blockbuster potential. |
Synopsis Analysis Price:
$50.00 |
Includes analysis
and 1/2 hour phone consultation.
Includes main characters, action &
what they are doing to affect the action. |
Logline Analysis Price:
$25.00 |
Your story filtered
down to one to three short sentences,
preferably just one. The ideal logline makes us want to read the script.
All loglines have a point of view. |
Script Coverage Price:
$100.00 |
Basic analysis, coverage
report, and either a RECOMMEND,
grade (just like the studios do). ($2.00/page
on scripts exceeding 125 pages)
Our clients will receive a 3-4 page industry
standard report ("coverage")
consisting of logline, short synopsis and commentary analyzing the
material's marketability components. It is what most agents, executives
and producers review when deciding which projects are worth their
time and will eventually be "green lighted".
It can be used to reveal their material's strengths
and weaknesses, so that any areas needing improvement can be spoken
to before submitting the material to potential buyers. A sample
coverage template is available for your review to see the structure
of a report and what components are evaluated.
NOTE: if you
have a preset format you would like your coverage report to reflect,
please inquire. The rates are the same whether you use our template
or yours (maximum 3 pages). Clients can also receive upon request,
along with a coverage report, their material returned with handwritten
notes on it ("Coverage with Margin
Notes"). |
Script Coverage 2nd Read
Price: $75.00 |
Having the same script covered
again? Better to have someone familiar with the previous draft. |
Story/Development Conference:
$60.00 per hour |
Add to Cart and Change Quantity
to purchase more than one hour. |
ADVANCED Analysis Service Packages:
A detailed critique of their material covering the
same key components of a coverage report with the material analyzed
in much greater detail. An analysis report gives notes directly on the
script, 2 to 20 pages, a story meeting (over the phone or in person),
story coaching (hands on work with the client over a period of time
offering various levels of notes) plus all that is included in a script
coverage report. It also consists of the following basics: Overview,
Detailed Script Notes and page-by-page notes. A sample
analysis report is available.
Clients can also receive upon request, along with
a coverage report, their material returned with handwritten notes on
it ("Coverage with Margin Notes")
NOTE: Evaluations are based with respect to the material's ability to
be adapted into a feature film or television show. Coverage and Analysis
Reports to evaluate a material's merit only as a stage play, short story,
or novel check out our Novel &
Manuscript Services.
Script Analysis Price: $450.00 |
pages of detailed feedback, suggestions, and page-by-page notes,
addressing all the script elements. ($2.00/page on scripts exceeding
125 pages)
• A one hour
phone consultation (or two half hours).
• 14 days to bounce around
new ideas via email.
Return Clients:
take 10% off!
What you get:
1. We will read your draft 3-4 times.
2. Handwritten draft notes on your script
— specific notes and markings on format, grammar, dialogue,
pacing, description, tone/emotion, structure, etc. Crucial line
editing. Clear examples of how best to capture and hold the Reader’s
attention by creating the necessary emotion (Value Change) in each
scene. We use the Problem-Reason-Solution analysis method. Includes
3-5 pgs. of “story excavation” outlining the major critical
issues in your script.
3. Full Story Paradigm Comparison
— A breakdown of your story using the most relevant paradigm.
3-5 pages of the most crucial notes to locate ANY fundamental problem
in your structure, SHOWING you not only where your story is not
working but also where it is working...and why. Again using the
Problem-Reason-Solution analysis method.
4. Story Evolution In-Depth notes
— I cover these vital areas in regards to your screenplay
and detail them as to what is working and what needs improvement.
5. 1 hour follow-up meeting —
by phone or in person. This discussion can help to 'uncover the
secrets beneath your story'. As we brainstorm together solutions
for your script's specific issues, it can be of great benefit if
the writer comes to the meeting with new ideas for the rewrite based
on my notes.
6. BONUS: The Script Archeologist
consultant will provide a 1 page summary of the Value Changes in
your script. This will touch on where the story begins to break
down and how a full Dramatic Value Change Analysis can benefit your
Requirements: Completed feature-length
screenplay (90-130 pages), in standard screenplay format in COURIER
FONT, 12 POINT SIZE, with 1" margins on top and bottom and
page numbers. |
In-Depth Script Analysis
Price: $300.00 |
single spaced pages of detailed feedback, suggestions, and page-by-page
notes, addressing all the script elements. ($2.00/page on scripts
exceeding 125 pages)
• A one hour
phone consultation (or two half hours).
• 14 days to bounce around new ideas via email.
Return Clients:
take 10% off!
What you get:
1. We will read your draft 2-3
2. Handwritten draft notes on your script
— specific notes and markings on format, grammar, dialogue,
pacing, description, tone/emotion, structure, etc. Crucial line
editing. Clear examples of how best to capture and hold the Reader’s
attention by creating the necessary emotion (Value Change) in each
scene. We use the Problem-Reason-Solution
analysis method. Includes 3-5 pgs. of “story excavation”
unearthing the major critical issues in your script.
3. Story Evolution In-Depth notes
— I cover these vital areas in regards to your screenplay
and detail them as to what is working and what needs improvement.
4. 14 days of email follow-up
to 'uncover the secrets beneath your story'. As we brainstorm together
solutions for your script's specific issues, it can be of great
benefit if the writer utilizes and new ideas for the rewrite based
on my notes.
5. Add a 1 HOUR FOLLOW-UP CALL for
$60.00. Add
to Cart and Change Quantity to purchase more than one hour.
Requirements: Completed feature-length
screenplay (90-130 pages), in standard screenplay format in COURIER
FONT, 12 POINT SIZE, with 1" margins on top and bottom and
page numbers.
Note: If not using a screenwriting
software program to format your script, base the length of your
script with 1" margins on top and bottom of the document and
the dialogue set in a 3.5"-4" wide block. Other margins
may distort the true length of the draft. Rates
increase $2.00/page on scripts exceeding 125 pages. |
Turnaround Timelines:
· Story
Concept Analysis: 1 week
· Story Synopsis Analysis:
1 week
· Logline Analysis:
1 week
· Script Coverage :
1-2 weeks
· Script Coverage
(2nd read): 1-2 weeks
· Executive Script
Analysis: 2-3 weeks
· In-Depth Script Analysis:
2-3 weeks
Rush service
Coverage: add $40
(1-2 days)
Analysis: add $150
(1 week)
Script Doctoring -
contact us for a quote regarding all the following
· Logline:
$50 · Synopsis:
$250 and up · Treatment:
$500 and up · Story/Idea
Development: see other services · Outline:
$500 and up · Polish:
$1,000 and up · Rewrite
complete script: $5,000.00
and up |
The Script Archeologist team
is available to write marketable loglines
(1-2 sentences), synopsis
(3 paragraphs), outlines,
and treatments
(3-5 pages) based on original work, or as part of our Story
Excavation Research service. Unprotected story ideas are brainstorm
into marketable and copyrightable material. Customers can also receive
rewrites, adaptations, and initial manuscript drafts from treatments,
notes, or outlines. Services include receiving only an electronic copy
of the completed material in Final Draft, Movie Magic Screenwriter,
or MS Word/Rich Text format. Hard copies can be mailed upon request.
Fees for these services are affordable priced.
Service requests to receive an electronic copy of
the completed material must include a copy of the original material
in electronic form with the order. The services above do not include
typesetting. Our Screenplay
Formatting Service are available requested and paid for with the
order. Script to be rewritten or polished must include an electronic
file of that script with the order. Service options for hardcopy material
submitted by mail include the following: coverage; analysis; formatting
(spelling, punctuation, and formatting error correction (red ink));
writing loglines, synopsis, treatments, and outlines.
The Script Archeologist has
a talented crew who can transform material
for dialogue and/or narrative improvements (polish). Our clients can
have their material typed
and formatted into proper screenplay, teleplay, stage play, or manuscript
format. Polishes
do not generally include adding or deleting scenes or characters, plot
changes, or messing with the structure of the script; it is only to
"juice up"
what is already on the page and sometimes developing scenes without
major modifications to plot. Polishes also include fixing spelling,
punctuation, grammatical, and formatting errors. Clients only wanting
these errors corrected can choose between having the consultant correct
the errors on the digital copy of the material (original electronic
file) or on the hard copy (red ink notes on the script pages).
IMPORTANT: All ownership
and copyright claims to the work belong to the client at all times.
The Script Archeologist never shares the material with a 3rd party,
unless it is with the client's written consent.
All Script Doctoring services follow a simple process. At each stage,
the completed material to that point is emailed to you for review &
feedback. The client will sign off in writing at each of the stages.
Further doctoring of stages previously signed off on will constitute
charging of additional fees unless agreed upon by both parties in writing.
Consultations are available upon request, but will be limited so as
to not negative affect the turnaround timeline.
• Brainstorm to develop the most marketable story/plot/character
elements from your notes, thoughts, or submitted material. This stage
will include utilizing Story
Research Excavation techniques as part of the process.
the only service that we will accept submissions of materials other
than a script. Submission requirements continue to include a SASE
for return of materials as well as any associated fees for services
• Create a logline and synopsis/treatment. Formulate the storyline
into a correct 3 Act (beginning, middle, and end) structure.
• Write Act 1 (1st 25-30 pages)
• Write Act 2 (approximate. the next 50-60 pages)
• Write Act 3 (the last 25-30 pages)
• Polish services and turn in a completed script draft.
Note: Material in 4 Act or non-traditional
structure will have a similar creation process similar to the above
steps. Please inquire.
Turnaround Timelines:
· Logline: 1 week
· Synopsis: 1-2 weeks
· Treatment: 2-3 weeks
· Story/Idea Development: 2-3
· Outline: 4-5 weeks
· Polish: 1-2 months
· Complete rewrite script: 2-3
· Book adaptations: 2-3 months
Rush service
Script Doctoring: Case by Case basis
Screenplay Formatting Service
Basic level of Screenplay
Formatting Service: $150.00 |
Advanced level of Screenplay
Formatting Service: $300.00 |
is only read for formatting and grammatical errors. No comments
are made on the script content. Submissions accepted only in proper
screenplay format: Final Draft, Screenwriter 2000 etc. Determination
of the cost level will be made once I have reviewed the submission's
first few pages. This initial review will help me determine the
amount of work involved.
We suggest your purchasing of one of the many
screenwriting software programs, which will properly format your
screenplay as you write or type it. Please visit our LINKS
page for a selection of software programs. If you have a screenplay
already written but are not satisfied with it and you wish to use
DOCTORING SERVICE, proper formatting of the script is included
in that service. For a full listing of our screenwriting services
review our FEES &
Material can typed as written for $3/page
(all words will be typed as legibly as they appear on the page).
If the material needs to be properly formatted and check for spelling
or grammatical errors, that additional service option needs to be
added to the order. |
Turnaround Timelines:
· Basic formatting:
1-2 weeks
· Advanced formatting: 1-2 weeks
Rush service
· RUSH Screenplay Formatting:
Case by Case basis
Page Count Restrictions
Submissions that go over these page counts must include an extra $2/page
over the limit. These limits are to discourage excessively long scripts
which typically are much more difficult to pitch from the start without
proven track records from their authors.
· Film, documentary, stage material = 120 pages
· TV dramas = 90 pages
· TV sitcoms = 45 pages
· Short film scripts = 25 pages
· Novels and manuscripts = 300 pages
· Treatments, Outlines, Notes = 20pp
If you are a PayPal member
and are purchasing through your PayPal account, you will automatically
be forwarded to our CONFIRMATION
page upon completion of your payment process. Be sure to have your
Purchase Receipt Number ready. It will be used as confirmation of
your service registration.
If you are purchasing with your Credit
Card, in Order to Complete Your Sign
Up, and Insure You Receive Your Service, You
Must Click on the 'Return to Merchant Button'
(bottom left) in PayPal once you have completed payment. You will
be directed to your CONFIRMATION
page where you must fill out the Registration
form to verify your purchase. Be sure to have your Purchase Receipt
Number ready. It will be used as confirmation of your service registration.
For more information on all our services, be sure to
view our services on the various pages in our site. For consultations
contact us. The Script Archeologist team looks forward to hearing from
you to answer all your questions and to provide you with the highest
quality services.
A complete listing of all our Services
and their associated Fees.
The consulting fees
paid by credit card via PAYPAL
(pre-received & received bank clearance). UNCOVER
Discover What's Buried Beneath Your Script's
Story ...
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