Welcome to where we feature industry related businesses
and specialists. Below you will find links to these valuable resources.
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Script Archeologist Affiliate. Email
us your web site url. Include a short
description of why you want to be an
affiliate and what service you will
link to on our site. Also detail the
mutual benefit to yourself and The Script Archeologist by your becoming
an affiliate. Within 2-3 business days we will contact you.
The Writers Store 
Online store for all your writing needs. Books,
software, online
courses and much more. The
Writers Store is a must for any writer.
Done Deal Professional
Deal Pro tracks the various script, book, treatment, and pitch sales
and options made in Hollywood each day. Subscribers are able to search
a sales database of over 8,100 plus deals by title, writer, representation,
company, genre, date, and more. This is an invaluable
tool not only for industry professionals but for aspiring screenwriters
who want to know each week what material is being sold and to whom,
and to track the latest trends.
is the online division of Gotham Writers'
Workshop, New York City's largest
creative writing school. Our dedicated faculty members teach
the fundamentals of creative writing to over 6,000 students a year.
Classes in NYC and online include fiction writing, screenwriting, memoir
writing, nonfiction writing, business writing, TV writing, sitcom writing,
novel writing, playwriting, poetry writing, children's book writing,
romance writing, mystery writing, songwriting, and more. One-on-one
private instruction and classes for young adults are also available.
Call 212-WRITERS or visit
Final Draft
The premiere script
writing software. Final
Draft sells everything a new and established writer needs to write
that next great script.
is a valuable writers resource for links to screenwriting
contests and industry markets.
is a full-fledged online screenplay software
program. It handles the proper screenplay format automatically,
so you can concentrate on your story.
Apotheosis Pictures Productions
is screenwriting software for Microsoft Word. ScreenForge is the best
and most affordable screenplay formatting software available for MS
Word, and a viable alternative to the much more expensive stand-alone
screenwriting programs.
Comics has been creating amazing &
fantastic comics for over 4 decades. Great comics! Great comic
book movie adaptations! Now they are innovators in video game themes,
putting their great characters into games.
Comics is one of the largest and most
diverse publishers of comics and comics-related products today.
Collectively, with our mature readers line, Vertigo, and cutting-edge
action line, WildStorm, DC is the only publisher that offers a complete
line of comics for every age group and literary taste. DC is also one
of the industry's most prolific publishers, producing more than eighty
comics titles every month and close to one thousand titles per year.
DC is also one of the oldest comics companies, with a continuous publishing
history that spans over sixty years.
is an electronic entertainment company specializing
in creating computer and console video games. A number of critically
acclaimed role-playing games like Planetscape: Torment, Icewind Dale,
Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter, and others.
Midway Games Inc.
Games Inc. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices throughout
the world, is a leading developer
and publisher of interactive entertainment
software for major video game systems and personal computers.
is a Publisher of "massively
multi-player online games" —
Internet-based 3D worlds where millions of players from around the world
can interact together in a shared virtual space.
3D strives to bring 3D art
to the masses by delivering the highest quality 3D digital content and
software at the most affordable prices. With a continuing effort at
creating realism and diversity in every product made, and a commitment
to providing excellent service and support, DAZ 3D works to inspire
3D fans to "Unleash the Artist Within". Get
3D Models, 3D Content, and 3D Software at DAZ3D!
9th Annual American Screenwriters
Association International Screenplay Competition
Sponsored by Gotham Writers'
Workshop. CHECK
UP on the latest placements in the contest. Finalists and Semi-Finalists
have recently been announced.
American Gem Short Screenplay Competition
Presented by FilmMakers
Magazine and Writer
Disney ABC Writing Fellowship
Disney•ABC Writing Fellowship begun in 1990 in partnership
with the Writers Guild of America, West, this has become one of the
industry’s best known and most respected writing fellowships.
The Nicholl
Fellowships in Screenwriting program is an international competition
open to screenwriters who have not earned more than $5,000 writing for
film or television.
10th Annual
Screenwriting Competition begins accepting
scripts November 1st.
Shriekfest 2007
Los Angeles Horror/Sci-Fi
Film Festival. They proactively help
the filmmakers and screenwriters by promoting their work to the industry.
Check out the latest
news on the festival.
Slamdance Writing Competition
filmmakers, for filmmakers' 12th
Annual Screenplay Competition
Sundance Institute is a non-profit
organization dedicated to the discovery and development of independent
artists and audiences. Check out the 2008
Sundance Film Festival site.
Fade In Online
The online
site is one of the premiere online industry
magazines featuring events, contests and an extensive selection
of back issues and other products. 2007 Awards Entry Deadline October
31, 2007. Their awards contest has run since 1996 to assist talented
new writers in gaining recognition in Hollywood.
Creative Screenwriting
Check out the CURRENT
ISSUE of Creative Screenwriting magazine. If you are in Los Angeles
attend their free screenings. Register now online
for their Screening Series.
Ink Tip
is the place for getting your script into
the hands that are needed for writers to get the best shot at success.
Many features and benefits are available including for agents and managers,
industry professionals and screenwriters.
Derek Rydall & Scriptwriter Central
is the place if you're interested in learning
how to make 6-figures as a screenplay consultant -- even if you're
not a screenwriter -- this is the only place on the planet you can find
out how! Check out the Script Consultant Institute for more info on
that exciting opportunity.
Rich Schefen:
PROFITS sorts out the truth from Internet business chaos, building
a real business online. Featuring a unique
business growth system, Rich Schefen
shows you how to succeed by making more and working less. He is featured
in many media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The New
York Post, MTV, Newsweek, Vogue and many many more ...
iUniverse Publishing
is the only services provider that offers
authors access to comprehensive, high-quality editorial services
comparable to those used by traditional publishing companies.
Penguin Books
Books is firmly established as a major
force in publishing. It is a division of Bertelsmann AG, one
of the foremost media companies in the world. The company has offices
in fifteen countries - from Penguin US (formed in 1939) to Penguin Ireland
(opened in 2003) - and keeps more than 5,000 different titles in print
at any time.
Random House Publishing
House, Inc is the world's largest
English-language general trade book publisher.
It is a division of Bertelsmann AG, one of the foremost media companies
in the world. The Random House Publishing Group was formed in 2003,
uniting the two divisions formerly known as the Random House Trade Group
and the Ballantine Books Group. Publishing in all formats--hardcover,
trade paperback and mass market.
Dorrance Publishing Co.
America's Leading Author Services Company, Dorrance
Publishing Co. is the place for an author
to learn more about becoming a published author. They offer options
of Traditional Subsidy Publishing and Self-Publishing/ Private Printing.
Institute of Children’s Books
For more than 32 years, the Institute
of Children’s Literature has offered the
premiere writing course to adults interested in learning how to write
and be published for children and teens.
American Screenwriters Association
American Screenwriters Association™ (ASA) is the
world's leading professional association organized for educational purposes,
including the promotion and encouragement of the art and craft of screenwriting.
A non-profit 501(c) 3 organization, ASA is committed to the international
support and advancement of all screenwriters.
Writers Guild of America, West
Everyone will tell you that you need to protect your
work. Writers
Guild of America, West Registry has been aiding
in the creation of legal evidence since 1927, and has always
been a vital instrument of the Guild's service to writers.
Whitmore Publishing
At Whitmore
Publishing you will find select Whitmore books
available for immediate purchase through their secure credit
card server. All Whitmore titles are available
in paperback format and most are
available in E-book format.